Part 25: Mini Biography Vol. 7
The Autobiography of Freeze Flame:
Vol. 5; Early 98, The Restart (Removal & Extraction)
It was around Christmas 1997, when Red's path took a different turn, maybe just at the right time too... He had recently had a sit down with his Probation Officer to discuss some serious changes he wanted to make, both in his life as well as his probation order...
He was aware of certain elements and restrictions that were holding back his progress in many departments, and affecting his relationships within his own family.
In the early days of 1998, Red's P.O. Informed him that she was able to make a few changes to his order in order for him to better his relationship with his family, but a job was also mentioned. It was a construction job, a labour job for a non-union bricklayer that ran a crew of about 6 guys.... It was January, and the job started immediately...
Transportation became a problem very quickly, as the crew members were not willing to car pool, however, Red was able to secure a vehicle during the first week. This meant he needed to work extra or as much as possible in order to make up payments...
Red's living accommodations were still up in the air and he was wearing out his welcome at his "friend's" places... There was soon a difference of opinion, or falling out which lead Red straight out the door... It may have been a blessing in disguise as Red's mission was not in step with his friends at the time...
Due to the Non-Union aspect of his new construction job, jobs were small and short, as well as few and far between, this lead to issues with money on occasion. Red spent many nights in his car at first, and at cheap motels... but was soon able to find a room to rent...
By the end of January, the jobs had slowed to a halt and Red was tired of waiting it out, and came up with an idea... and decided to look into it. He went to the nearby high school, which happened to be the rival school of his original, and talked to a guidance councillor about a co-op educational program that he could tie into his current job...
As work was slowed, and the idea worked Red found himself back in school legitimately. The program required a few weeks of class work, so he was in a class... introduced to his new classmates and teachers...
He was able to complete the in class portion without issue, but when it came time to go out to his work placement, Red found his job was still slow, with only a few days work in the month of February... He was able to make some quick friends through school and nice young lady to hang out with outside of school and between work...
Red's living situation was again in jeopardy because there was little money coming in, so he looked into getting some type of student assistance, basically what they called welfare for high school students...
Red was the one in the group who happened to have a car, and with that came a certain level of popularity, whether wanted or not... He became the driver, and was invited to many functions at this point... some that were more in line with Red's mission to build a company with a musical focus...
One obstacle that was becoming more of a problem on the day to day, was Red's teacher for the co-op program, who now had access to his information and employer. She also happened to be a former probation officer, and in finding out Red's personal situation became very adamant on getting him out of the program as well as the school... She believed he wasn't genuine in his goals, and his willingness to improve his lifestyle...
Red soon had to move out of his room, and found another one not far from the school and with easy access to the highway in order to get to work assignments... With this change came more problems, mainly with the teacher...
She was determined to get Red kicked out of the program, in turn, getting Red out of the school as well. Red and his new associates were trying to enjoy their lives as much as possible and maintain a schedule in order to graduate, Red was in line for graduation with a successful completion of the co-op program... He also started taking night courses to complete an extra credit and keep himself busy and out of trouble as work just was not finding him...
Red was into March at this point, When he finally got called into work again, for a few days work in Downtown Toronto... When the job was completed, Red's boss was happy with his performance, but stressed that he would have to make a choice between work and school and that the teacher had been in contact with him...
At that point, Red was let in on something of a secret, being that the job was given to him because of his dad and his probation officer and not because of much else... this was his "chance."
Red told his boss of the idea to incorporate the school with the job, because work had been slow, and told him how close he was to be able to graduate... By the end of the conversation, the boss had advised him to continue with school, and finish... and he would allow Red to keep his job...
Red's night life was very active at this point, out with the crew most nights, school or co-op during the days, probation and night school... Red had his plate full trying to make things happen, in order to accomplish his main mission...
The teacher eventually, called for a sit down with Red to discuss his progress in the program. She was very convincing telling Red that she had talked to his PO and his Boss, and they had agreed to take him on full time, if he left the school... What Red didn't know was that it was a lie... She got what she wanted, Red out of the school...
So when Red showed up for work the next day he was fired before the shift even started... He wanted an explanation, telling his boss what the teacher had said...
Around the same time, Red had again run the course of his living arrangements and was forced to find a new place to live (again)... And found a helping hand with his new friend's family. It wasn't the best idea, but he was out of money and options at this point... and needed an opportunity to regroup...
Red was now out of school again, and lost out on his final credits to graduate... So he decided to look for work, as long as he still had his welfare, he could pay a small amount of rent to his friend's family, to keep that option open for a while... he was able to find temp work, nights days, afternoon, anything that came up he took it... the more work the better, considering there wasn't much room for him anyway...
The night life was at a height, if not in the clubs, just out with the crew all the time... Red's love for Hip Hop was again rejuvenated when with his new found living situation sat a DJ set up, turn table and hundreds of records... His friend and Red were able to mess with it from time to time, not often but it kept his mind on what was really important to him...
The club nights got Red into the music, but Red was disappointed at the playlist most nights, just not consistent enough, dress codes pissed him off because bouncers used it as an excuse to harass patrons... The only thing that made him go was the music, Red found soon that hitting the club every night wasn't all about fun and music... There was obligations, especially while riding crew deep...
Red had been dealt a tricky hand early in the year, but was grateful to be away from the old situation which he felt he was not going anywhere... His new situation, Red looked at these new friends with a watchful eye, trying to determine if they would make the proper team to take his idea to new heights...
Red's eyes were deceiving him at most turns, seeing is believing, but there was potential in this group of guys... Red happened to see first hand... The crew was spread throughout the western portion of the Greater Toronto Area, there was a lot of driving involved.
Red quickly found out who were the real friends in the group and who were along for the ride, it wasn't that difficult after taking so long to find out where his old friends stood in his life and with his opinions.
When it comes to having pale skin, as a native, Red met first hand what discrimination felt like and how they treated "others," he brushed it off without retaliation, mainly because he knew something they didn't.... That they were complete idiots that didn't know what they were talking about.
It was time... Red had made the decision, he wanted change in his life and achieved a small level of that, but knew it wasn't enough... there was not only specific people that he had to rid from his life, but certain types of people that needed to be evacuated from his presence at the earliest signs of unneeded negativities... This included, not only actions, but attitudes and outlooks towards just about everything...
His chance at a new life was presenting itself before his very eyes, Red just needed to figure out where that new life was going to lead, and in which direction to take it...
Transportation became a problem very quickly, as the crew members were not willing to car pool, however, Red was able to secure a vehicle during the first week. This meant he needed to work extra or as much as possible in order to make up payments...
Red's living accommodations were still up in the air and he was wearing out his welcome at his "friend's" places... There was soon a difference of opinion, or falling out which lead Red straight out the door... It may have been a blessing in disguise as Red's mission was not in step with his friends at the time...
Due to the Non-Union aspect of his new construction job, jobs were small and short, as well as few and far between, this lead to issues with money on occasion. Red spent many nights in his car at first, and at cheap motels... but was soon able to find a room to rent...
By the end of January, the jobs had slowed to a halt and Red was tired of waiting it out, and came up with an idea... and decided to look into it. He went to the nearby high school, which happened to be the rival school of his original, and talked to a guidance councillor about a co-op educational program that he could tie into his current job...
As work was slowed, and the idea worked Red found himself back in school legitimately. The program required a few weeks of class work, so he was in a class... introduced to his new classmates and teachers...
He was able to complete the in class portion without issue, but when it came time to go out to his work placement, Red found his job was still slow, with only a few days work in the month of February... He was able to make some quick friends through school and nice young lady to hang out with outside of school and between work...
Red's living situation was again in jeopardy because there was little money coming in, so he looked into getting some type of student assistance, basically what they called welfare for high school students...
Red was the one in the group who happened to have a car, and with that came a certain level of popularity, whether wanted or not... He became the driver, and was invited to many functions at this point... some that were more in line with Red's mission to build a company with a musical focus...
One obstacle that was becoming more of a problem on the day to day, was Red's teacher for the co-op program, who now had access to his information and employer. She also happened to be a former probation officer, and in finding out Red's personal situation became very adamant on getting him out of the program as well as the school... She believed he wasn't genuine in his goals, and his willingness to improve his lifestyle...
Red soon had to move out of his room, and found another one not far from the school and with easy access to the highway in order to get to work assignments... With this change came more problems, mainly with the teacher...
She was determined to get Red kicked out of the program, in turn, getting Red out of the school as well. Red and his new associates were trying to enjoy their lives as much as possible and maintain a schedule in order to graduate, Red was in line for graduation with a successful completion of the co-op program... He also started taking night courses to complete an extra credit and keep himself busy and out of trouble as work just was not finding him...
Red was into March at this point, When he finally got called into work again, for a few days work in Downtown Toronto... When the job was completed, Red's boss was happy with his performance, but stressed that he would have to make a choice between work and school and that the teacher had been in contact with him...
At that point, Red was let in on something of a secret, being that the job was given to him because of his dad and his probation officer and not because of much else... this was his "chance."
Red told his boss of the idea to incorporate the school with the job, because work had been slow, and told him how close he was to be able to graduate... By the end of the conversation, the boss had advised him to continue with school, and finish... and he would allow Red to keep his job...
Red's night life was very active at this point, out with the crew most nights, school or co-op during the days, probation and night school... Red had his plate full trying to make things happen, in order to accomplish his main mission...
The teacher eventually, called for a sit down with Red to discuss his progress in the program. She was very convincing telling Red that she had talked to his PO and his Boss, and they had agreed to take him on full time, if he left the school... What Red didn't know was that it was a lie... She got what she wanted, Red out of the school...
So when Red showed up for work the next day he was fired before the shift even started... He wanted an explanation, telling his boss what the teacher had said...
Around the same time, Red had again run the course of his living arrangements and was forced to find a new place to live (again)... And found a helping hand with his new friend's family. It wasn't the best idea, but he was out of money and options at this point... and needed an opportunity to regroup...
Red was now out of school again, and lost out on his final credits to graduate... So he decided to look for work, as long as he still had his welfare, he could pay a small amount of rent to his friend's family, to keep that option open for a while... he was able to find temp work, nights days, afternoon, anything that came up he took it... the more work the better, considering there wasn't much room for him anyway...
The night life was at a height, if not in the clubs, just out with the crew all the time... Red's love for Hip Hop was again rejuvenated when with his new found living situation sat a DJ set up, turn table and hundreds of records... His friend and Red were able to mess with it from time to time, not often but it kept his mind on what was really important to him...
The club nights got Red into the music, but Red was disappointed at the playlist most nights, just not consistent enough, dress codes pissed him off because bouncers used it as an excuse to harass patrons... The only thing that made him go was the music, Red found soon that hitting the club every night wasn't all about fun and music... There was obligations, especially while riding crew deep...
Red had been dealt a tricky hand early in the year, but was grateful to be away from the old situation which he felt he was not going anywhere... His new situation, Red looked at these new friends with a watchful eye, trying to determine if they would make the proper team to take his idea to new heights...
Red's eyes were deceiving him at most turns, seeing is believing, but there was potential in this group of guys... Red happened to see first hand... The crew was spread throughout the western portion of the Greater Toronto Area, there was a lot of driving involved.
Red quickly found out who were the real friends in the group and who were along for the ride, it wasn't that difficult after taking so long to find out where his old friends stood in his life and with his opinions.
When it comes to having pale skin, as a native, Red met first hand what discrimination felt like and how they treated "others," he brushed it off without retaliation, mainly because he knew something they didn't.... That they were complete idiots that didn't know what they were talking about.
It was time... Red had made the decision, he wanted change in his life and achieved a small level of that, but knew it wasn't enough... there was not only specific people that he had to rid from his life, but certain types of people that needed to be evacuated from his presence at the earliest signs of unneeded negativities... This included, not only actions, but attitudes and outlooks towards just about everything...
His chance at a new life was presenting itself before his very eyes, Red just needed to figure out where that new life was going to lead, and in which direction to take it...
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