Freeze Flame Productions Inc

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Set Backs & Milestones: The Rizes & Falls

PART 35:  Mini Biography, Vol.12: The Conclusion, Pt.3

Here we go, Red Brown Back at it again... this is turning in the conclusion series... We do hope you enjoy the read.  More is yet to come.

The Autobiography of Freeze Flame:
Vol. 11: 2000 & BEYOND, The Rize & Grind Era Pt.3

It was a few months after suffering a fairly severe car accident that Red was forced to leave his life in Vancouver behind and finally head back to Toronto... It was almost the end of October 2001, by the time he arrived back... With the help of his father, Red packed up his one bedroom apartment into his dad's van. The Three bags he left Toronto with had turned into a small truck load...

By the Middle of November 2001, Young Red Brown had caught another case, and spent the next several months struggling and stressing with his family over his Bail conditions & restrictions. He had gone from being on his own in a completely different province, to being forced to live with his parents due to legal restrictions. Red had now lost his freedom once again, and was very disappointed with himself, but felt he had a very strong defence in his current situation...

Red's reasoning for coming back to Ontario, for one was to pursue his allusive goals, gain more knowledge, etc... about the Music Industry. He had researched more school programs and become aware of a small private industry school in Downtown Toronto.... The next steps were very important in order to gain acceptance into this institution...

By Mid-February, Red needed an escape of sorts. He had planned on coming back, but needed to get away and still had over a month before his next court date, so he borrowed his mother's car for the night and told his parents he was going to a movie... And didn't come back for a week....

Red spent this time cruising around Canada's Eastern Provinces, first stop was Montreal, then he headed toward the east coast. Red ended up spending much of his time in Fredericton, NB... just relaxing and keeping to himself...

It wasn't long before the End of March rolled around, Red even with a strong defence was talked into pleading guilty to two of four charges and was sentenced to 2 more years of Probation... Red was not happy with the outcome, but he accepted it...

It was shortly after this time, that Red decided he was going to make his application for entrance into Harris Institute for the Arts, a very prestigious Music industry focused school. Many of the instructors were industry leaders in their respective fields, and various as they were all had a common goal... They all had a good sense of what needed to be done to change the industry for the greater good.

The application package requirements were pretty intensive, Red was to gather reference letters, and write an essay, among other things... but most importantly, was to secure funding before the first day...

In the summer of 2002, Red and his family were due at a wedding in Western Canada, this was a positive coincidence, as Red was planning to return to Vancouver to obtain one of his Reference letters. He approached the guidance counsellor he had met a year or so earlier... She was glad to help out, and appreciated the personal touch, but insisted a phone call would have been enough...

Deep Down, Red just wanted to go back to Vancouver, he missed it and after his recent legal troubles, he regretted even going back to Ontario at all...

With all the new found drama in his life, he wasn't happy with just having an idea... Red wanted to start doing more to make his vision a reality. He had his application done before the end of the year, and was accepted to his program. Red was to start in March 2003, but still needed to secure funding...

Since Meeting his birth mother, and with all the travel, he felt bad for not going to see her more often... Red arranged to spend his Christmas in Whitehorse, and tell his mother the good news about him going back to school for something he was really interested in....

He was away for about 3 weeks, ironically 2 of those were spent travelling by bus, sort of... That was just the way it felt..

This bus trip in the Winter months turned out to be quite an adventure in itself... after arriving in Edmonton, he found out there would be a 43 hours lay-over, and had to find a place to sleep... in that time, however, Red was able to make his rounds and visit many of his friends and Family in the city... When he went to see his Grandmother, for what turned out to be the last time... the first thing she told him was that he couldn't stay with her.... Red replied simply by saying "Merry Christmas to you too, Gramma."

While Red was in Whitehorse, and told his mother about the opportunity he had been accepted for, she was very supportive, so much so that she offered to pay his tuition... Red was truly surprised, accepted reluctantly, but was very grateful for the offer... he was so excited about being accepted that he didn't really think ahead to how he would pay for the schooling...

The Winter Road trip seemed to bring good fortune, to Young Red... He had only purchased a one-way ticket due to black out dates over the holidays, and with his stopovers in both directions he was able to wander out to some of the near by Casinos in Edmonton's Downtown core, and at West Edmonton Mall... He was able to make enough money to pay for his return trip, and buy a change of clothes along the way, as both cities were in their deep freeze season...

Immediately upon returning to Toronto, he moved out of his Parent's house into a small cheap apartment in Hamilton, and went straight to the school for his acceptance interview, where he told them he was able to secure funding and would start in March...

While looking for funding, Red had also been fortunate enough to locate an agency that ended up giving him a grant to attend the school... Red made contact with the Metis Nation of Ontario and because of his ancestry, he was able to secure not a loan, but a grant... this was such a relief to him. They would pay his tuition, directly to the school, and his living expenses on a bi-weekly basis over the next year, the entire length of his program...

That good fortune had followed him home, however, he continued to work as much as he could before his start date... unfortunately, that saving time was cut short by a work place injury, he had torn the rotator in his left shoulder working at an auto parts plant.... Painful to say the least.

When Red, called up his Mother in Whitehorse to let her know the news, she was happy to hear the news, wished him all the best in his program, and soon after began her own program to become a teacher... hers was a four year program however, with placements and what not... Red thought that was great news as well.

Red's plan was now underway, and he was pleased with his efforts...



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